Understanding cinnamon allergy and suitable treatments

Many people have a habit of eating different bakery items and pastries as their daily snacks. A lot of restaurants and bakeries are using the cinnamon as the frequently used ingredient to enhance the taste of the foods. However, most of the adults and children are getting allergic conditions due to the cinnamon used in such food items. Sometimes, it could be a very serious problem that most of the people will not notice that the cinnamon is used in their bakery items or food items.


Symptoms of cinnamon allergy:

The symptoms of the cinnamon allergy will actually differ from mild to severe conditions. Some of the most commonly occurred symptoms include,

  • Redness, soreness and watering of eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Swelling of the lips or/and tongue
  • Nausea
  • Asthma like symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath

These are all only the minor symptoms of the allergic condition caused by the cinnamon ingredient in the different food items. Sometimes, it will also give the severe symptoms to the humans who are all very allergic to the cinnamon.

  • Stomach upset – Cinnamon will cause the gastrointestinal upset which is the most dangerous symptom to the humans. The signs of the upset stomach will also include vomiting, diarrhea or stomach cramps. These kinds of severe symptoms will actually from minutes to some hours based on the amount of cinnamon you took in the foods.
  • Skin dermatitis – When the humans have a contact with the cinnamon, it will give a result of inflammation on the skin. You will also experience the irritation, eczema and also blistering along with the red rashes and redness of the skin.

Some other severe symptoms of the allergic cinnamon include anaphylactic shock, facial swelling and etc.

Many children are also very allergic to the cinnamon and they are getting following symptoms including,

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomachaches & cramps
  • Constant vomiting
  • Wheezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Breathing difficulties and asthma

Foods which contain cinnamon:

The following are some of the foods you found in the bakery shops and restaurants containing lesser or more amounts of cinnamon as the spice to increase the taste of the food. They include,

  • Ice cream
  • Puddings & desserts
  • Baked goods
  • Breakfast cereals & cereal bars
  • Chewing gums and candy
  • Spice blends like garam masala and Chinese five spice
  • Ethnic foods like flavored rice and curries
  • Sauces and soups
  • Special coffees, herbal teas and some other related drinks
  • Takeout meals

Those who are all allergic to the cinnamon should have to avoid taking these kinds of foods in your home or restaurants.

Whenever the persons are getting severe allergic conditions of the cinnamon and would like to treat it, oral antihistamine is really the best treatment to reduce the allergic signs and symptoms of the cinnamon allergy in both adults and children. In order to avoid getting allergic situation of the cinnamon, you must avoid this spice in foods instead you can use caraway, ginger, cloves, anise, mace and more. Visit http://healthontologymapper.org/ for more information.

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